- read all your SMS (no MMS or bluetooth files)
- forward SMS over bluetooth as note files
- send SMS via PC using pcsms.py client
( the pcsms.py client requres you to have:
> python interpreter 2.4 or higher on linux or windows xp
> pybluez extension library available from: http://org.csail.mit.edu/pybluez/
> and ofcourse a bluetooth transreceiver (dongle) connected to your PC
- Get the source and SIS file for this application at: http://tovganesh.googlepages.com/btsms_app.tar.gz

hello. I really like this app, but I had to modify 2 lines to make it working with (german) special chars:
in function PCSMS.sendSMS line 124, pcsms.pc:
added after string.strip:
msg = msg.encode("utf8")
in line 134, btsms.py
replaced smsMsg = fis.readline()
with smsMsg = unicode(fis.readline(), "utf8")
in line 138, btsms.py
replaced messaging.sms_send(addr, unicode(smsMsg))
with messaging.sms_send(addr, smsMsg)
I don't know exactly why, but so it worked for me ;-)
Hello Ganesh,
Thanks for this application,
can you please help me with developing a s60 based software in Python which can turn on /off lights and bulb..
like the one at bluehome.info
Thanks for dropping in.
I can help you with the background for how to do it. But with building the circuits, I might have to search around my self. As have not fiddled with electronics for a long time.
For those looking for an advanced application inspired by this post, see: http://series60-remote.sourceforge.net/index.php?module=News&lang=en
being developed by Lukas Hetzenecker.
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