Tuesday, March 14, 2006

mobimol v0.2

change log:
- get the updated script from http://tovganesh.googlepages.com/mobimol.py. older v0.1 is no longer accessible.
- added: zoom, smoother rotation, labels (id and symbols), and a query utility (length, angles, dihedrals).

... enjoy!


Unknown said...

I wish the molecules as shown as a circle, not just a line.

BTW, is MeTA Studio an mp3 player or something? (just kidding).

V. Ganesh said...

probably u mean to say atoms as circles? sure thanks for the idea, i'll do that.

abt MeTA Studio, it was jut fun the put mp3 into it ;)

V. Ganesh said...

thanks cyke64!

i have updated my app. actually i picked some "function names" from polyhedron.py as i was used to writing more discriptive names, but here needed to reduce on "bytes" ;)