Saturday, January 31, 2009

The speculation over the Rs 500 laptop

I had a series of posts earlier (available here) largely dreaming about a cheap netbook (or laptop) for India. And now there seems to be a lot of buzz on Rs. 500 (or $10) laptop being introduced by the Indian government for the masses.

What would be the speces of these, would it be highly subsidized, will have to wait till 3 rd Feb to see all that. My only speculation on the Rs 500 laptop is, if this is not something that is substantially subsidized by the government, then this will not have a proper display ( would connect to a TV, or have a cheap LCD monochrome display that could be easily manufactured in India). But well my speculations usually don't go well ;) so its all wait and watch for me. Look back at this space, I will be posting info on this launch as and when I have more idea.

Update: Indian Express has a nice article on other aspects of laptop (and OLPC) especially for education.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i am too exited with this announcement that India is going to deliver laptop at Rs. 500/- but I found an link on the web drew my attention a lot i would like to share this link with you all so ..
please visit this above link and get an change to get an free laptop by visiting the above link .. so
it sound quite odd but I'll subject to gave an attempt to find out the validity .. of the clams ..